Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Suddenly out there at 33

Finding oneself single again at the age of 33 is a disquieting experience, especially when all your holidays for the next 5 years are booked up by friends' weddings and you can't even find yourself a date. So what do you do? The days of hard house clubbing are long gone, it's been years since you went to a bar and danced on the table and your propensity for slamming shots of tequila is something you know you used to do (and think you loved) but just can't understand how anymore.
You can wait, I suppose, for Mr Right, Rich and Gorgeous to sweep you off your feet and carry you down the aisle, or you can do what you always crinkled your nose up at - internet dating. If, like me, even the word just sent shivers down your spine, then read on my new friends because I am about to let you all join me on a journey into the underworld of the internet dater.

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