Friday, 11 May 2007

Happy Friday

I received this today from Andy. I have to admit being in a rotten mood this morning but this did bring a smile to my face:

As our famous bard said Faint Heart never won Fair Lady. So herewith written by my own fair hand:

For I have gazed upon that face of beautifully coloured skin
What within her head thoughts and desires lies therein
For that infectious smile beguiles and leaves the mind to guess
For I desire to gaze upon those inviting eyes that you possess
For will you not grant the time to wine and dine
and in your company I might just shine
And we can talk as the drink will flow
anticipating something more intimate might grow
For the art of conversation is surely the first step to take
The chance lies within your hands a decision for you to make
For you might share your heart's inner desires
Of love of Knights Chargers and Dreaming Spires
All I ask is a few minutes of your time
To take heed of this poem and its rhyme
An invitation which might just be your fate
Can you not take a risk with but one single date

Love Your Ardent Poet!Andy x


Shiny said...

Wow. That's quite something. Do you think he made it up himself?

Leah said...

Surely? I am almost tempted to write him a poem back.

Anonymous said...

Bloody 'ell I am impressed. No PRESSURE on proving you can write fine poetry too.