Tuesday 1 May 2007

Perhaps no lunch for me today

Membership at Only Lunch is £650 for 6 months. YES - that's exactly what I was thinking. Mind you, they have doctors on their books. I love a good doctor. It can also be deduced that the men that are on their books:
- have £650 to blow on dating (therefore, they must be loaded);
- are clearly committed to finding a wife.

Do any of you have £650 for me?

Go on - donate to my charity.
I dare you.


Anonymous said...

As much as i believe in your cause, darling... 650 Sterling is a lot of Aussie Convict Dollars!

Shiny said...

You've got to be kidding - 650? Good god, do they pay for the wedding once they've presented you with The One? They bloody well should at that price! Shiny x